Monday, August 17, 2009

Static by David Jade DVD $39 only

Raising the bar - with nothing but STATIC.
With the spectator's finger touching the top of the deck, the deck slowly splits ITSELF in half. With a delicate touch, their chosen card SHOOTS out of the pack. The deck is completely examinable before and after the effect. They will find nothing; they will have no explanation.

From the mind of David Jade and Damien Vappereau comes STATIC. A simple, powerful, beautiful effect that is as practical as it is evocative.

The STATIC DVD was directed by Dan and Dave and shot in High Definition. Everything you need to perform the effect is included with purchase, including ample supply of the special "something" you'll need to make the magic happen. Instruction by Dan Buck in Hollywood, CA.

Often the most powerful magic is the simplest. STATIC is a tribute to that fact. The spectator places their OWN finger on top of the deck, slowly moves it to the side, and half of the pack moves along with it. Magic does not get much more interactive than that.

Easy to learn, simple to perform - this is one of those few effects that allows you to focus on your presentation and performance, rather than the technique. With the gimmick materials included, you can create your own variations - the possibilities are endless. Now available.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cardiograph by Mark Mason - DVD $32 only

An incredible REAL WORLD trick that makes layman shout out loud. 2 cards are signed, one blank faced card and one joker. Magician signs the blank card, the spectator signs the joker. The spectator is asked to keep his finger on the back of the joker he signed. The 2 cards magically change places. But wait, your signature also travels across and is now on the card they are holding.

Comes complete with specially printed gimmicks, extra cards and an instructional dvd.

Easy to do, no reset.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

UltraGaff Tricks & Effects Training DVDs with deck $174 only. Deck only $58

Garcia and Houchin. As magicians who make a strong living from doing magic, they need to be ahead of everything out there. They give themselves a chance to do things that are not just amazing, but completely impossible.
So they designed the UltraGaff Deck. These were the impossible-to-get playing cards they wanted for their own performances. Simple cards that are used to deny reality.

If you have the chance to have USPC/Ellusionist make you anything you want - you take it. You put all the ingenuity you can into the design of the cards. You take the process that made "Stigmata" and "Fraud" what they are today, and apply it to playing cards.

UltraGaff is a deck of specialized playing cards, 'gaffed' cards, that are meant to fit in quietly with a normal deck of Bicycle playing cards. On this page you can purchase the DVD training that allows you to perform the exact tricks that Danny and Wayne created for each of the cards in the UltraGaff Deck.

There are 3 volumes, all over an hour long. (Vol-3 is one hour and forty minutes). Each volume stands alone, or can be purchased in a complete set of 3. The volumes progress in difficulty, but you can find easy material in each volume as well. Many sleights are taught in the videos and there is an abundance of rare teaching from these two masters; subtleties, tricks of the trade, ways to get in and out of a routine with gaffs --- ETC.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Digital Conviction by Robert Smith $48 only

Nowadays 99% of cell phones take a picture. You go to 'camera mode' and press the button. It's done.

Digital Conviction makes beautiful use of that feature. It can be performed anywhere and anytime with all borrowed objects. A picture is taken of a card, on THEIR own phone, with THEIR initials on it ---- and then changes to THEIR selected card with THEIR initials on it.

Everything is completely ungimmicked and examinable and the spectator keeps a souvenir that will surely make YOU unforgettable.

Here is what happens in the effect.

You approach the spectator and remove a joker or any card out of the deck. You say, "We will use this as the wild card but we'll get back to that in a moment. Will you please select any card?" The spectator has a free choice of any card, nothing is forced.

The selected card then gets lost in the deck. "Now let’s get back to the Joker." You remove the joker and place their initials on the corner of the joker. You REALLY DO place THEIR REAL INITIALS on the ACTUAL JOKER. They see it and confirm it.

"Remember the joker is the wild card. Let’s make this moment memorable and take a picture." You now borrow their camera phone and take a picture of the joker with their initials. The spectator CONFIRMS AND SEES that the picture being taken on the camera phone is the joker with their initials.

The phone is immediately handed to the spectator and placed face down in their hand so that the change of the card is not revealed until you want it to be. Now the magic begins: first phase. "If I take the joker that we just took a picture of and give it a little shake in my hands you can see that it changes to your selected card".

With a closer examination the spectator sees that her initials are now ON the selected card instead of on the joker!

Now you go in for the kill.

"If that card changed in my hand then the picture on the phone in your hand should have changed too…"

Savor the reaction of your spectator realizing that they saw you take a picture of a joker with THEIR initials on it and it changed to their selected card with their initials on it.

In stock now.

This effect is huge and it's a worker.
Here are a few important points to remember:

Uses no gimmicks
Easy to do
Freely chosen card
Uses all borrowed objects
Requires no setup
Use any phone with a camera built in (99% of all phones these days)
Also as an added bonus you will receive an additional bonus effect using cards and a camera phone.
If you are looking for an effect where you don’t have to carry any extra material and an effect you will actually do, then Digital Conviction is for you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

WINDOW by David Stone $135 only


WINDOW is not like anything else.

Card through glass effects cost upward of $300 and usually require complicated setups or bizarre gimmicks. Until now it’s been difficult to gain visual appeal and still keep your wallet full.

The trick plays out in real life exactly like the trailer. Watch yourself do it in the mirror and rip your eyes out.

There are six routines given in the DVD but you'll come up with your own.

Basically, a selected card pentrates the glass, then changes into a different selected card while that one is behind glass.

There’s a beautiful gimmick INCLUDED. The gimmick takes an hour and a half to manufacture but David Stone makes each one himself by hand. *

How hard is WINDOW? Easier than Tarantula but harder than the Ball & Vase. You won’t have problems.

There are several ways to perform the effect. In the most difficult routine you do a force and a top change. In the easiest you simply make the card change behind glass.

The reset is instant.

You’ll have a perfect time making your reputation with WINDOW. Order it today.

Ultra Visual
Instant reset
Unlimited Possibilities
Hand the card out and leave it with the spectator
Training by FISM winner David Stone
6 Complete routines
Hand-made sturdy gimmick INCLUDED
No one ever sees the gimmick or knows it's there

*David Stone doesn’t really make the gimmicks, he’s too busy performing the trick to people who pay good money to see him. Your hand-made gimmick will be included in your package though, no worries. :-)

A verifiable MUST-HAVE

This is a Killer! He fried everyone at 4F with it. ~ MARC DESOUZA

"Hi everyone. David showed this to me at the 4F convention this past April. He took me into confidence and not only tipped the method, but let me play with it.

WOW! This is so cool and there are so many variations possible with it. I wanted to buy one on the spot, but I had to wait like everyone else... ;)... I've goota buy this right now."
~ Marc DeSouza, top magic pro, lecturer, historian.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Identity (With Gimmicks) by Richard Sanders - DVD $48 only

Walk up someone you've never met and have a card chosen, marked and shuffed into the deck. Next, you draw a series of random marks on the back of any indifferent card. Those marks VISIBLY JUMP from card to card, finally VANISHING COMPLETELY. The deck is slowly spread to reveal the marks on the back of one card...the spectator's signed selection.

One last incredible kicker... you offer the card to the spectator as a souvenir. In order to personalize shake the card...and get ready for this...THE MARKS ON THE BACK OF THE CARD VISUALLY REFORM INTO THE SPECTATOR'S VERY OWN NAME!

Yes, the marks VISUALLY REFORM with no cover whatsoever ...into the name of the spectator that you just met!

With NO SWITCH... the card is immediately handed to the spectator to keep. It is completely examinable!

Key Points:
No previous knowledge of the spectator is necessary
Perform for anyone
Instantly reset
Completely examinable
The ultimate give away
Bonus material, sleights and handlings included
Over 2 hours of no holds barred, DVD training:
Indentity Extended: The full monte, multi-phased effect.
Identity Condensed: Short and sweet, go straight for the jugular!
Identity Maxed Out: This is a take no prisoners, maxed out version of the effect. This will fry magicians!
Plus: A special surprise addition, sleight of hand workshops, bonus moves, psychology, handlings tips and more.
Note: a basic to intermediate level of card handling skill is recommended for this effect, however all sleights used in this effect are well taught on the DVD.

Package includes:
Gimmicked Bicycle card
Full training DVD that will guide you through every step of this effect, including method, performance, variations, handling tips and all the subtleties that make this effect so devastating!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Catch by Ben Seidman - DVD $64 only


Your spectator shuffles a deck of cards and then concentrates on a single card. The deck is shuffled once again and then thrown into the air. With an empty hand you reach into the falling cards and grab the selection.
The ultimate pack small play big card trick.
Materials included to construct gimmick.
Four bonus handlings.
Methods for: stage, close-up, impromptu, and surrounded
"Surprising, visual, and deceptive. Ben gives you the props, multiple methods, all of his ideas, and the history. A worthy closer for your show!"
- Jeff McBride, Magic & Mystery School

Deep 3 by Bro Gilbert (DVD and Deck) - DVD $56 only

You show off two exotic antique Jokers that you carry in your bicycle deck for good luck.

You then ask a special someone to take a walk down memory lane as they remember their very first kiss... and the name of the lucky person behind those lips. It could be any name... but let's say the name happens to be Bro Gilbert.

Now, with empty hands, you cleanly spread through the facedown bicycle deck, revealing the two lucky antique jokers from a moment ago. She removes the two jokers and discovers a bold black letter drawn on each of their backs... a B and a G. The initials of the first person she ever kissed!

And yes, just like deep astonishment, it works with any name.

It starts with a memory... and ends with a miracle.

Bro Gilbert has merged two classics of magic into one of the most ingenious decks of our time. Deep 3 is nearly self-working and exceptionally clean in handling. You can show the backs and faces of normal bicycle cards and your spectator removes the two lucky jokers herself.

With Deep 3 in your pocket, you'll be constantly set (and re-set) for an intimate miracle, or a showstopper for a formal performance.

Manufactured with a red bicycle deck, Deep 3 includes custom vintage "lucky lady jokers" with high-contrast backs so your hand-written letters show up clearly close-up or in front of larger groups. No other props or gimmicks are needed.

Bro Gilbert's Deep 3 is the easiest, most direct, most convenient evolution of the Paul Harris classic that you'll ever perform.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fan2c by R. Paul Wilson- DVD $32 only

Imagine you're holding a lousy poker hand. The cards are spread at your fingertips. Now, in a subtle action of riffling the edges of the cards, they seem to magically morph into a royal flush. The cards are visible the whole time and can immediately be handed out for examination.

Perfect for:
Gambling Demos
Poker Nights
Showing Off
Includes 20 minutes of expert instruction on DVD. 40-paged PDF.

Also included on the disc are digital video files in QuickTime format of Paul's performance and explanation of FAN2C. Load these on your iPod for an on-the-go learning experience.

Note: A gimmick is required for this effect. However, Paul goes into great detail on how to make this gimmick using common household materials. It is not difficult and can be put together in only few minutes. Once made, it can be used over and over again.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Flicker by Michael Paul - DVD $43 only

New from the mind of Michael Paul comes Flicker! This is a magic first. A new concept, a new card magic plot.

With no moves, or misdirection, an ungimmicked, red backed playing card flickers wildly from red to blue, and then back to red! Included in the instant download is a video that will explain the Flicker concept, and give you six routines to perform using Flicker, including a street magic masterpiece, a color changing deck, and a stunning three color change from red to blue, back to red, and finally to white! This has been reviewed all over the internet, and people are raving. Don't be left behind. Learn Flicker now.

"I love it! Flicker LOOKS and FEELS like real magic. A no move color change...sign me up!" - Justin Miller

"Dude, seriously? That looks RIDICULOUS! I mean that in a good way. Truly an unbelievable illusion" - Sean Fields

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Distortion by Wayne Houchin DVD + gimmick $49 only

Twist their thoughts. Distort perception.
A collaboration with ideas from Wayne Houchin, Michael Ammar, Kenneth Peh, and Jonathan Bayme. A card is chosen. In this case, it's the Six of Diamonds. The Four of Diamonds is also used. You clearly place the Six of Diamonds in the spectator's closed hands (in a sandwich manner), holding on to the Four of Diamonds.

As you slowly shake the Four, the pips -- that is, the diamonds -- are seen to visually multiply and move across the card to form the Six of Diamonds. The spectator opens their hands to find the Four of Diamonds, and all is handed out for complete examination.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Trilogy by Dan and Dave Buck Vol.1,2,3 $139 only

Sleight of hand is an understatement.
The most groundbreaking card flourishing and sleight of hand anthology to be released in the past decade is now available exclusively at theory11. Select tricks, flourishes, and sleights from the volumes are now available in a High Resolution downloadable format.

The Trilogy is a 3 DVD set containing over 6 hours of card tricks, flourishes and everything else Dan and Dave have dreamt up with a deck of cards. You'll find everything from a simple one-hand shuffle to an eight packet flourish display along with never before seen tricks so visual you won't believe it's all done with a normal deck. Check out the preview.

VOLUME 1 : TRICKS contains 12 highly visual effects that can be done anywhere at anytime, surrounded, and with a normal deck of cards.

VOLUME 2 : FLOURISHES contains 10 breathtaking flourishes from Dan and Dave explained in full detail, including the much talked about Jackson Five.

VOLUME 3 : EVERYTHING ELSE contains everything from ace productions to color changes, double lifts, shuffles, and finger exercises. It's an assortment of neat sleights done Buck style. Over 18 sleights are taught in full detail. Nothing has been left out.

Panic by Aaron Fisher $40 only

They came. They saw. They vanished.
The four Kings are shown and placed into your back pocket. The rest of the deck is spread cleanly, and then it happens.

The deck instantly vanishes in your hands -- leaving only four cards. The cards are shown to be the Kings. And where's the rest of the pack? In your back pocket. No sleights. No funny moves.

This is what real magic would look like.

Panic has become Aaron Fisher’s favorite effect, and for good reason. Never before released until now, Panic has the power to leave your audiences stunned, and leave their jaws on the floor hours after you've left their presence. This is the trick people talk about. This is the trick that will make you a legend.

Aaron Fisher (creator and performer of over 15 years and theory11 Artist) will walk you through the trick step-by-step, in detail and with unparalleled instruction. Filmed on the streets of Las Vegas, you'll be able to see just how effective Panic is in front of real-world street audiences; complete strangers. Every question you have will be answered. Available in a high resolution DVD format.

Shot in high definition and mastered to DVD, with top notch production by the theory11 team. This is the reputation maker you've been looking for.

Witness by Lee Asher $39 only

Witness the impossible.
You now hold in your hands -- an original idea from Lee Asher. He
performs his brand of magic across the world, leaving audiences
speechless. Witness has never before been released on
DVD -- until now.

After having a card selected, your spectator holds a ziplock bag with
a Joker sealed inside. The Joker, held securely between the
spectator's palms, 'transforms' into the selection! Never once is the
bag opened. Everything can be handed out for examination.

Invaluable instruction from a professional like Lee Asher allows you
to speed up the learning process. Designed with real world conditions
in mind, after watching this DVD -- you'll perform WITNESS in no time.

The effect requires no gimmicks and features a simplified,
tried and tested handling. The DVD or download runtime is
approximately 21 minutes, including full length street performances
and extensive instruction on all aspects of the Witness routine.

Witness (formerly known as Deucebag) has been the signature effect
in Lee's sold-out lectures around the world for audiences all the way
from Singapore to Paris to Eugene, Oregon for over a decade. This is
the first time that this effect has been taught on video. Shot in High
Definition on the streets of Las Vegas.

TNR by Mathieu Bich $49 only

Torn. Restored. Transformed.
A restoration. A reparation. A transformation. Just when you think the effect is over-- it hasn't even begun. A signature effect of International FISM winner Mathieu Bich for half a decade, this is a trick that defines visual magic. The restoration is a masterpiece of aesthetic perfection and technical fluidity. But what happens next will turn your mind inside out.

The motions are slow, methodical, logical, and smooth. If you were to take a card, rip it, and then restore it piece by piece-- this is EXACTLY what it would look like. Taught and performed by Chris Kenner in Las Vegas.

BeLieve by Joel Paschall $39 only

For those who beLieve...
A pure, impromptu miracle from the mind of Joel Paschall. A card is selected from the deck, signed, and returned. An indifferent card is shown; the corner is ripped off and placed face up on the table. The rest of the card is set aside, in view.

With a slow, calculated, delicate wave of your hand over the torn corner, it visually changes into that of the spectator's chosen selection. Impossible? The rest of the card - which has been in view the entire time - is turned over as well.

+ the corners match. the signature remains.

Believe is a visual transformation under the cleanest conditions possible. A unique twist on Jean Hugard's 'Leopard Spots,' Believe is an effect that is simple yet extremely powerful.

Shot in high definition, Believe features live performances and expert teaching by Joel Paschall. Learn every eccentricity of this effect, from start to finish, in complete detail.

. Completely impromptu
. No gimmicks. No force. No duplicates.
. Bonus sleights and applications
. Shot on location at California Magic
. 30 minutes of detailed instruction

Andthensome by Dan and Dave Buck $56 only

Just a few years ago, Dan & Dave Buck set the magic world ablaze with release of their collection of tricks, flourishes, and everything else. It was entitled the Trilogy. Today, we prepare for the release of the FOURTH Trilogy DVD - andthensome.

andthensome is a DVD collection of over 2.5 hours of all new tricks, all new flourishes, and all new "everythingelse." The disc is jam packed with goods shot, edited, and produced over the past year by Dan & Dave.

andthensome by Dan and Dave : : contents

A visual teleportation of a selected card from one hand to the other. The effect combines a rhythmic display of cardistry and magic.

Osh Negash B'gosh
Imagine a card selected by being propelled through mid-air and caught between two mates. The card is noted and the packet placed on the table. Another selection is openly made and instantly changes into the first selection. When the sandwiched card on the table is turned over by the spectator, they find it to be the second selection. An extremely powerful table-hopping effect!

Perhaps the most direct handling of Dr. Daley’s Last Trick ever devised. The method here is far more devious than any previous version of this effect. Two red Aces are cleanly set on one spectators palm while the two black Aces are set on another spectators palm. With a snap they instantly transpose and the spectators can turn them over.

Hedberg All Over
A variation of Hedbergs Peak, this multi-phased routine demonstrates the transposition of two playing cards throughout the deck with each transposition becoming more impossible looking. On the final phase one of the cards is placed between the spectators’ hands and the transposition is carried on.

Maybe the easiest boomerang card technique you will ever learn. This age old method allows you to “flick” a card 10 feet away from you only to have it return to your hand.

Don’t blink! You’ll miss the fastest flourish ever invented.

M4 Hollywood
In this variation of Molecule 4, packets rotate, twist, and spin around each other demonstrating a chaotic flourish.

A card is placed protruding face up in the deck. With the snap of the fingers the card instantly changes. The change can be done completely surrounded and you end clean with nothing but the changed card sticking out from the deck.

Shepherd Change
A card is placed protruding face up in the deck. On spinning it around it appears to morph into another card. You’re left clean with only the changed card sticking out from the deck.

This unique technique for propelling a double from one hand to the other will attract attention from across the room. Use it as a double lift or a flourish.

A flashy technique for spinning two cards as one on the back of your thumbs' knuckle. Can also be used as a flourish.

Spinning Top
Mimicking the action of one of the oldest recognized toys in history called a “top”. This double lift allows you to spin the cards on the deck or on a table in a fast motion while keeping them aligned.

Jones Change Variation
Refined with flare that only the Bucks could exude. This is an underground gem finally revealed that allows you to show your hand empty (with one card) before and after the change has been made.

This impromptu technique allows you to rid the rough and uneven edges on most decks of cards.

Manfred Shuffle
A unique approach to the in-the-hands false riffle shuffle that borrows ideas from Ron Whol and Hank Miller. This method, however, puts the deck in full order without the need for a cut.

Simpler Switch
This sleight can be used as a one-for-one switch or a color change. The switch happens in-flight and the card appears to be in view the entire time.

2 Handed Pirouette
You all know the classic Pirouette flourish. Now learn this really cool application that's surprisingly very simple.

Dr 90210
An updated handling of the Spin Doctor Double.

Spinning Table Top
Same as Spinning Top, but further explained on the table.

Hover Spring & Autocatch
One of the coolest tricks on the DVD in our opinion. It's a sandwich effect, but happens visually with a neat flourish you probably can already do, but don't know it yet.

Aerial Doubles // Tip
Tips and variations on the Aerial Double lifts explained.

Blind Bluff // Tip
One of the most beautiful and deceptive bluff passes you'll ever learn with an ingenious touch that allows a selected card to be controlled to the top.

Erdnase Go Rounder
Variation of Erdnase Go Round that allows for the packet to fly through the air from hand to hand and even around your back!

Back Flic
Variation of Flic that allows for the card to boomerang around your shoulder.

Jones Change Transpo
By use of the Jones Change 2, this effect allows you to show two different cards in each hand. Without ever touching hands, you cause them to switch places.

DD Square
An esthetically pleasing manner of giving the cards an all-around-square-up on the table.

Double Pirouette
The classic Pirouette flourish done with two cards! And yes, they stay together as one.

Extra Features
* Trilogy Trailer
* andthensome Trailer
* Trilogy Bonus Video
* Spring Jam 2007
* Decknique Contest Video
* Theory11 Contest Video
* Jones Change Redone
* Hank Miller Shuffle

Dangerous By Daniel Madison Vol.1 and 2 $97 only

One of the most talked about projects of 2008, Dangerous represents the definitive work of underground magician Daniel Madison - a massive two volume (two-disc) DVD anthology of d+M's work, past and present.

Volume I is entitled Mystique, and is dedicated to the magic of d+M. Complete with live performances shot on location in the U.S. with additional footage filmed in the United Kingdom.

Volume II is entitled Motion, teaching d+M's signature style of flourishing and cardistry. Each disc is over 60 minutes in length - jam packed with rock-solid material.

The instruction quality is beyond comparison; unparalleled and true to d+M's trademark style. Each item is taught with vocal instruction, on-screen text, multiple camera angles, and extra tips shared by Madison.

> > > d+M . Dangerous . Mystique : See Effect Descriptions
Bad Influence Aces Angle Zero Catch Color Half Vanish Heritage Lapse Focus Role Play Breach

> > > d+M . Dangerous . Motion
4sybil Sleepless Turnover Downfall Aries Lethal Lethal X Guardian Snap.d Mayhem Fly Stone Symphony Cylinder Bicycle Diabolique Twisted Rain Twisted Rain 2 Sybil in the Rain
Drop Sybil Sybil Helix

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lit by Dan White and Dan Hauss $44 only

From the mind of Dan White and Dan Hauss comes an effect featured on the September 24th international David Blaine television special. The reactions with Lit are explosive.

A spectator is asked to take a match out of a matchbook, and ignite a match to verify its validity. The matchbook is then held tightly in their closed fist.

A card is selected in the deck - then visually vanished under impossible conditions. The spectator slowly opens their hand to find the matchbook has visually transformed into a twisted hybrid of playing card and match pack.

Easy to do.
Perfect for all close up situations.
As seen on national TV and used regularly by David Blaine
Includes Bonus routines (Dan White’s Floating Match on Hand and Andrew Gerard’s Self Lighting Match Pack)

Running Time Approximately 45min

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sleeping Queen DVD + Gimmicks $55 only

The spectator is shown a queen of spades that can be thoroughly examined. The spectator is asked to place her hand over the queen and imagine the Queen going to sleep. When she removes her hand, seconds later, the queen is sleeping. The magician waves his hand over the deck and the queen awakens. This happens slowly and the spectator sees the eyes gradually open. At the end of the effect the spectator can even keep the card as a souvenir.

•Ultra Visual
•Quick and Easy setup
•Ends totally clean, spectator can keep the Queen if desired!
•Use this principle for multiple effects
•Available on DVD

Friday, April 3, 2009

Army of 52 Gaff Training $58 only

WHAT IS A GAFFED CARD? A gaff card is a specially printed card designed to fit in with your NORMAL DECK.

WHY MUST I OWN THIS ARMY DVD? If you don't, you're missing out. Ellusionist has created the ultimate vehicle to train you in the art of using gaffed playing cards.

Gaff cards allow you to do tricks where cards are: shot, aged, flipped, zipped, fallen, faded, ripped and stuck, box printed, blank, creepy, blacked out, swirled, thumb printed, smudged, inked wrong, mis-made, tagged, transferred, erased, added to, too high, shifted, shattered, fractioned, blurred, and skeletal.

There's no way to do all that without having specially printed playing cards. Ellusionist's award winning design team has produced a Gaff Deck full of special art work cards for nearly all types of playing cards: Standard Bicycle, Black Tiger, Ghost. So first you have to have one of those decks.

Features close-up pro Justin Miller with Brad Christian
Teaches sleights, and rare tricks with a gaff deck
Proves why gaff playing cards are so effective
Easy to follow DVD... tricks taught step-by-step
Brad Christian shares ideas for the RED GAFF deck

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crash Course 2: Ambitious Card $58 only

Surrender to being good.This video will show you how.

Twisted moves and unparalleled teaching in Crash-2 give you hard hitting reactions from spectators... walk into any room and know you have the power to entertain.


Read about each trick.

The most total breakdown ever put on DVD of the beautiful and ellusive Push-off Double Lift. This will cure ANY problems you were having, and give you a double lift that is effortless and natural.

The Sadowitz Side Jog, an insane underground move that literally causes your audience to be 110% certain that their card is in the middle of the deck.

The James/Ellis Loading move - could this be the best move ever devised for the Ambitous Card Routine? Each phase of this amazing move must be mechanically ingrained in your hands so that it appears perfectly natural - learn each phase and how to practice it for the fast perfection.

The LePaul Bluff Pass - learn the one subtle technique that allows you to perform it surrounded... and Brad's own technique to make sure you get only ONE card every time without thinking.

The little known X-factor in the Marlo Tilt that visibly forces an audience to believe the card is going into the middle - they CAN'T believe anything else. (Not the common one you're thinking of!)

How to integrate the pass with your AC Routine, including different applications.

The infamous Pop-Up Move - a big crimp is placed in a card and the card is shown to be in the middle of the deck - people visibly see the card as it rises to the top. Brad discusses the reason why this should not be left out of ANY routine and teaches how to get the very MOST out of it.

Crash Course Card Tricks $49 only

The DVD gives more results, faster, than any video in its class.

Each "move" is broken down fully and taught by acclaimed teacher Brad Christian... it will take practice, but soon you will look like a pro and you will perform sleight of hand that is completely amazing. Moreover, you will learn to entertain people. You'll learn to reach out in any situation and easily provide amazement and awe.

Introduction Heat - 2 Card Selection - trick
Mechanic's grip and breaks C-Short, Force, T-Palm
Swing cuts Braue Reversal
Injog Controls Fastest Trick on Earth - trick
Card in Hand - trick Out of Sight /see it done - trick
False Cut & Dribble Out of Sight - learn it
Here Then There - trick Wrap up
Protrude Control

Read about each trick.

Card in Hand
A person draws a card and notes it, it is shuffled into the pack and lost.

A card that is NOT the spectator's card is given to the spectator and he is asked to thrust the card into the pack wherever he "feels" it should go. The magician says it has gone in right next to his selected card! They look at all cards at that location but the magician has failed none of them are the correct card. Finally the spectator turns over the "thrusting" card he has been using it is HIS card.

Here then There
A spectator is given the four of spades to hold between his hands. The magician takes the queen of hearts and waves it over the spectator's closed hands.

The queen in the magician's hands becomes the four the spectator opens his hands and he is holding the queen.

Two cards are selected and buried in the deck. The magician talks about being able to sense a person's card because it retains heat after they touch it. He spreads through the cards and somewhere around the middle finds a card that is "warm" it IS the first spectator's card. He takes this card and, using it as a pointer, asks the second spectator to call stop as he passes it over the spread deck. The spectator calls stop. As the magician is about to turn over the card on the table he pauses - and then turns over the first spectator's card in his hand being used as the pointer - it IS the second spectator's card.

C-Short, Force, T-Palm
A devious, surefire method to control a person's card even though they shuffle the deck. No card worker ANYWHERE should be without this in their arsenal. It puts you SO far ahead of the audience that virtually anything can be done with their card as a means to locate it. Great for those super tough audiences who MUST shuffle the cards.

Fastest Trick on Earth
The handling on this great effect was originated by Brad. A card is selected by someone. The magician asks if they would like to see the fastest trick in the world. They say yes. At that point and THAT point only, the selected card is slid back into the face down deck (yes, all the cards really are face DOWN). With no further ado no false moves, no waiting the magician dribbles the cards so that they spread in his hand or on the table. The person's card appears face UP in the middle where it was placed. Instantly.

It went in face down clearly and obviously a moment later it is face up after being lost in the deck. Startling you should see the reaction. Focuses on extremely clean and clever handling.

Out of Sight
Truly one of the great Mind Reading tricks very effective. You show cards one at a time until the spectator has merely thought of one. Those cards are buried in the deck and the deck is thoroughly shuffled. End result: the spectator is thinking of ONE card and that card is somewhere in the deck no one knows where.

The magician says he wants to go through the pack once more to make sure that the spectator has a VISUAL of it and so that the spectator knows for sure his card is in the pack somewhere. The magician goes through the cards quickly, one by one, stopping occasionally to ask if the spectator has verified his card yet. Finally the spectator says he has seen his card in the ones that have been turned over, and the magician stops and says great and gives one last shuffle for good measure.

The magician takes the pack and begins to place cards face down into the spectator's hand one by one, asking the spectator to send the image of the card with his mind. Finally the magician stops on one card ... hesitates.... looks at the spectator hard... then says YES this is your card.

It is exactly the card they THOUGHT OF moments before.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kaos Card Through Window $49 only

A card is selected, signed, then mixed back into the deck. Standing on one side of the window with the spectator, you ask them to push the cards up against the glass and mix them around in a jumble, holding them against the glass.

With the spectator holding the cards on the glass, you walk around to the other side.You pause. You know that the effort you put into showmanship here is going to pay off in a few moments. Confidence is like blood running through your veins.

Perform it on any glass door of any kind
On any car window, even the back window
Can be performed on a glass table top
Can be performed on a house window if you can get to the other side to complete the trick

Wiregrams $24 only

Imagine dipping a piece of ordinary wire into hot liquid or held up to the flame of a candle or lighter, and it instantly changes into the shape of a previously selected card!

Available in: Jack of Spades, Three of Hearts, Seven of Hearts, Seven of Diamonds, Eight of Hearts or Ace of Spades (all sold separately)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Indecent DVD by Wayne Houchin $39 only

In life and in magic, there exists a line where the possible meets the impossible. There's a roadblock. A barrier. A limit. INDECENT crosses that line and never looks back.

Here's what your spectator sees: a card is selected from any deck. It's a free choice-- no force. Signed. The card is then lost in the deck, then shuffled. The cards are then dribbled on top of a sealed Ziploc bag.

Slowly, the bag is lifted up from underneath the chaos of cards to show that one card is sealed INSIDE the bag-- the spectator's signed card.

Q: Can Indecent be performed without setup prior to the performance?
A: Yes, it absolutely can.

Q: Does this effect involve glue, sticky tape, magician's wax, invisible thread, rubber cement, etc.?
A: NO! This effect does not require ANY of those USELESS props!

Q: Which environments are best for performing Indecent?
A: Almost any setting you can imagine would be perfect for Indecent. Indecent is a great street trick, restaurant effect, or "family gathering" effect to blow. your. family. away.

Q: Can the spectator remove the card from the bag immediately after the bag is shown containing the card?
A: For a short answer, no. It is not recommended that the spectator remove the card from the bag immediately after the bag is shown containing the card.

Q: How are the angles for this effect while performing?
A: The trick is slightly angle-sensitive. It is extremely easy to control your crowd to obtain the proper angles, and Wayne explains this well in the video.

Q: How easy is Indecent to perform?
A: I have not performed the effect yet, however it would be extremely simple to perform once the proper practice has been put into the trick. On a scale from one to ten, I'd rate the ease of performing at a 4. It does require some sleight of hand to pull off, but all of it is very very simple.

Q: Is there any clean-up?
A: Technically, yes. It would take two seconds to clean up, however. Buy the effect and you'll know what I mean.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Box Monster - Nate Kranzo $49 only

Make cards move at will.

IMAGINE: The spectator selects two cards out of the deck-- there are no forces. With no funny moves, the cards are placed back in the center of the deck. The deck is then placed back into the box. The box is closed. Nothin' fancy. Yet.

With no false motions, the card box visibly opens itself and one card is seen to slowly, visibly rise up out of the deck. Your hand grips the card gently, then pulls it out of the deck. The card is slowly turned over-- done. You've nailed card number one.

The cards are then held in your hands. The spectators eyes are fixed on your hands like a hawk. You bring the cards down to the table and begin to spread the cards slowly from right to left.

One card begins to slowly move out of the spread, towards the spectator -- while on the table. You've never seen anything like this. And your spectators haven't either-- it's downright eerie.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Search and Destroy by Aaron Fisher $58 only

As magicians, others believe momentarily that we have hidden ability. They experience this power during the marvels we create, but secretly wish they could also own power such as this.

Search and Destroy gives them that opportunity.

It’s a slow-motion sandwich effect. A card is remembered and returned to the pack. Two kings enter the deck face-up and begin a search and destroy mission. One step at a time they move closer and closer to the spectator’s card…..every time the pack is spread they have moved closer. Finally they trap just one card – the correct one every time.

This happens in the spectator’s hands.

Search & Destroy also includes a detailed explanation of the Nowhere Pass - Aaron's acclaimed and well-thought-out approach to the Bluff Pass, long considered the province of only the most advanced sleight-of-hand experts. With the care and attention that has come to define Aaron's teaching, this segment will give you a new tool in your arsenal that you will find uses for in many of your own favorite effects. And that's only the beginning: the lessons you learn here about tension, focus, and design in sleight of hand will improve every card trick you do.

Fisher is an amazing teacher, charismatic, filled with cutting wit
DVD turns over every showmanship rock, misses nothing
The real work on the Nowhere Pass
The go-to trick you will perform, always
The acclaimed book Paper Engine by Aaron Fisher gets legs and runs for an hour and a half

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Branded DVD and gimmick $79 only

IMAGINE: You show a painful looking blister on your thumb from your last attempt at this hazardous stunt. Someone selects a card and concentrates on it while gazing into the flame of your lighter. You pinch the flame and the bubbling blister magically morphs into the configuration of their card. In other words, the image of their thought appears fried into the flesh of your fingertips--seared into your sizzling skin - Branded!

This gimmick takes over where the other gimmicks left off. It's now a very practical, easy, no-nonsense method that happens in the open, with nothing to hide! No more pocket management. No more public displays of affection. No more unwanted glances.

With Branded, you'll leave the room in a blaze of glory!

No pocket work.
New design of realistic numbers and pips.
Includes gimmicks for BOTH regular and mini Bic Lighters (Bic Lighter NOT included)

Autograph by Justin Miller $49 only

A couple of heavy trucks are speeding toward each other. They meet in the middle of a highway head-on. The two trucks become a single crush of grinding metal after the collision.

When that happens with cards it's called Autograph.

2 cards are signed and dated... Without any funny moves at all they VISIBLY see the two signatures change places. Then, both SEPARATE cards become one single card in their hand with your signature on one side, and their signature on the other.

Autograph takes the classic Anniversary Waltz to a new level, with a twisted ending that no one expects.
Reset is instant
So powerful you almost have to close your act with it

Beautifully routined, not difficult, uses standard card handling methods

Full gimmick included with DVD, ends clean, leave the signature card with your spectators
Buckle up and get ready for a head-on collision with one of Ellusionist's best underground teachers. All will be discussed: the psychology, methods, and presentation.

This is J Miller at his finest, releasing a signature effect he performs nearly every day. Pick up your copy today.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tagged by Richard Sanders DVD $47 only

Transform your dog tag chain into a secret weapon!

From the creator of Extreme Burn, Interlace and Fiber Optics Extended comes an incredible illusion where the dog tag chain around your neck and a selected card become visually and impossible linked together.

A playing card is selected, shuffled into the deck and then...the impossible happens! The performer points out the dog tag chain hanging around his neck. The chain is completely solid and ungimmicked. Holding the deck in his hand, he waves it over the hanging chain, suddenly the selected card jumps out from the deck and impales itself onto the chain.

Get a load of this:
There are no breaks in the chain and no slits or tears in the card. The selected card visibly impales itself onto the chain, leaving it in an impossibly linked condition. Everything is completely examinable! You can even give it away as a souvenir!

Key Points:
Use any deck
Use any dog tag chain
Everything is totally examinable
Angle-proof penetration
The perfect closer to any card routine

Package Includes:
36" Custom Dog Tag Chain
Special gimmick
Full training DVD that will guide you through every step of this effect, including method, performance, variations, handling tips and all the subtleties that make this effect so devastating!

Running Time Approximately 55min

Amazing Easy To Learn Magic Tricks Ultimate Rising Card $19 only

The secrets of the Rising Card are now revealed on this instructional DVD. This DVD will teach you how to make the magic happen. Gimmick included!

Basic Routine
Bonus: Haunted Card

Amazing Easy To Learn Magic Tricks Forcing A Card $19 only

Learn how to have the ability to make your spectator secretly select a card! Right after watching this instructional DVD, you will be able to amaze your audience.

Cross Cut Force
Hindu Force
Cut Deeper Force
Slip Cut Force (var. 1)
Slip Cut Force (bonus app)
Slip Cut Force (var. 2)
Riffle Force
Dribble Force
Short Card Dribble
Short Card Riffle
Rollover Force
Say When Force
Glide Force

Amazing Easy To Learn Magic Tricks Card Tricks with No Sleight of hands $19 only

Get ready to do the best card tricks ever that require no sleight of hand! Learn how to make the magic happen on this instructional DVD.

Do As I Do
Out of This World
Instant Magician
You Do The Magic
Rosini Double Reverse
How To Deal A Royal Flush
Pure Mind Reading
Cross Cut Force
Cut Deeper Force
Key Card
Crimped Card
Say When Pass
House False Cut

Moving Point $32 only

Popularized by Japanese magic sensation Cyril Takayama.
The Effect: A card (let's say the 6 of Diamonds) is selected and lost in the deck. A prediction card is shown to be taped up in an envelope on the wall. Unfortunately the pediction was a 4 of diamonds. Slowly two of the diamonds morph and split so that there are now six diamonds on the card. The new diamonds travel to their correct spots and the card is shown to be a regular 6 of diamond.

WOW by Masuda $88 only

This gimmick is so cool, you'll fool yourself every time you perform it.
The Effect:A card is selected, signed, and lost in the deck. An indifferent card is placed into a transparent sleeve. Slowly the indifferent card fades into the selection until it has completely transformed. The signed select is taken out of the sleeve, showing that it is the only card inside.

Card on ceiling $22 only

The Effect:A card is freely selected and signed then lost in the deck. A rubber band is wrapped around the pack and it is thrown toward the ceiling. The deck falls, leaving the single, signed card stuck to the ceiling.
Comes with detailed instructions and hi-quality gimmick.


Amazing effect with no sleight of hand.
The Effect:
An entire deck of cards is placed in a black box barely big enough to hold the pack. It deck can be clearly seen through a window in the box. And then, Suddenly, the cards are gone.

WEB TRICK $16 only

Possibly the scariest card trick in the world!
Four blank cards are counted onto the spectator`s palm-up hand. Then pictures of spider webs appear and disappear from the faces of the cards. To conclude, the spectator is asked to wave his hands over the cards. As he does, he discovers a large, realistic spider on the back of his hand! At the right time, in the right place, this receives an unprecedented response-you will make people scream!
Comes complete with special cards on Bicycle stock, adhesive, spider and detailed instructions.


Gambling effect with a surprise ending that will blow your audience away.
The Effect:
Magician shows three cards, two with a red spot and one with the blue. He tells a story about how he lost money playing the three card Monte. Each time he lost a dollar it was in a more amazing way. Finally after losing seven dollars he is given a way to earn his money back with a double or nothing bet. One card is shown to be red, another blue, if the color of the last card is guessed the magician will not owe any money. The last card is turned over to show $14 boldly written in green.