Saturday, March 28, 2009

Indecent DVD by Wayne Houchin $39 only

In life and in magic, there exists a line where the possible meets the impossible. There's a roadblock. A barrier. A limit. INDECENT crosses that line and never looks back.

Here's what your spectator sees: a card is selected from any deck. It's a free choice-- no force. Signed. The card is then lost in the deck, then shuffled. The cards are then dribbled on top of a sealed Ziploc bag.

Slowly, the bag is lifted up from underneath the chaos of cards to show that one card is sealed INSIDE the bag-- the spectator's signed card.

Q: Can Indecent be performed without setup prior to the performance?
A: Yes, it absolutely can.

Q: Does this effect involve glue, sticky tape, magician's wax, invisible thread, rubber cement, etc.?
A: NO! This effect does not require ANY of those USELESS props!

Q: Which environments are best for performing Indecent?
A: Almost any setting you can imagine would be perfect for Indecent. Indecent is a great street trick, restaurant effect, or "family gathering" effect to blow. your. family. away.

Q: Can the spectator remove the card from the bag immediately after the bag is shown containing the card?
A: For a short answer, no. It is not recommended that the spectator remove the card from the bag immediately after the bag is shown containing the card.

Q: How are the angles for this effect while performing?
A: The trick is slightly angle-sensitive. It is extremely easy to control your crowd to obtain the proper angles, and Wayne explains this well in the video.

Q: How easy is Indecent to perform?
A: I have not performed the effect yet, however it would be extremely simple to perform once the proper practice has been put into the trick. On a scale from one to ten, I'd rate the ease of performing at a 4. It does require some sleight of hand to pull off, but all of it is very very simple.

Q: Is there any clean-up?
A: Technically, yes. It would take two seconds to clean up, however. Buy the effect and you'll know what I mean.

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