Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crash Course Card Tricks $49 only

The DVD gives more results, faster, than any video in its class.

Each "move" is broken down fully and taught by acclaimed teacher Brad Christian... it will take practice, but soon you will look like a pro and you will perform sleight of hand that is completely amazing. Moreover, you will learn to entertain people. You'll learn to reach out in any situation and easily provide amazement and awe.

Introduction Heat - 2 Card Selection - trick
Mechanic's grip and breaks C-Short, Force, T-Palm
Swing cuts Braue Reversal
Injog Controls Fastest Trick on Earth - trick
Card in Hand - trick Out of Sight /see it done - trick
False Cut & Dribble Out of Sight - learn it
Here Then There - trick Wrap up
Protrude Control

Read about each trick.

Card in Hand
A person draws a card and notes it, it is shuffled into the pack and lost.

A card that is NOT the spectator's card is given to the spectator and he is asked to thrust the card into the pack wherever he "feels" it should go. The magician says it has gone in right next to his selected card! They look at all cards at that location but the magician has failed none of them are the correct card. Finally the spectator turns over the "thrusting" card he has been using it is HIS card.

Here then There
A spectator is given the four of spades to hold between his hands. The magician takes the queen of hearts and waves it over the spectator's closed hands.

The queen in the magician's hands becomes the four the spectator opens his hands and he is holding the queen.

Two cards are selected and buried in the deck. The magician talks about being able to sense a person's card because it retains heat after they touch it. He spreads through the cards and somewhere around the middle finds a card that is "warm" it IS the first spectator's card. He takes this card and, using it as a pointer, asks the second spectator to call stop as he passes it over the spread deck. The spectator calls stop. As the magician is about to turn over the card on the table he pauses - and then turns over the first spectator's card in his hand being used as the pointer - it IS the second spectator's card.

C-Short, Force, T-Palm
A devious, surefire method to control a person's card even though they shuffle the deck. No card worker ANYWHERE should be without this in their arsenal. It puts you SO far ahead of the audience that virtually anything can be done with their card as a means to locate it. Great for those super tough audiences who MUST shuffle the cards.

Fastest Trick on Earth
The handling on this great effect was originated by Brad. A card is selected by someone. The magician asks if they would like to see the fastest trick in the world. They say yes. At that point and THAT point only, the selected card is slid back into the face down deck (yes, all the cards really are face DOWN). With no further ado no false moves, no waiting the magician dribbles the cards so that they spread in his hand or on the table. The person's card appears face UP in the middle where it was placed. Instantly.

It went in face down clearly and obviously a moment later it is face up after being lost in the deck. Startling you should see the reaction. Focuses on extremely clean and clever handling.

Out of Sight
Truly one of the great Mind Reading tricks very effective. You show cards one at a time until the spectator has merely thought of one. Those cards are buried in the deck and the deck is thoroughly shuffled. End result: the spectator is thinking of ONE card and that card is somewhere in the deck no one knows where.

The magician says he wants to go through the pack once more to make sure that the spectator has a VISUAL of it and so that the spectator knows for sure his card is in the pack somewhere. The magician goes through the cards quickly, one by one, stopping occasionally to ask if the spectator has verified his card yet. Finally the spectator says he has seen his card in the ones that have been turned over, and the magician stops and says great and gives one last shuffle for good measure.

The magician takes the pack and begins to place cards face down into the spectator's hand one by one, asking the spectator to send the image of the card with his mind. Finally the magician stops on one card ... hesitates.... looks at the spectator hard... then says YES this is your card.

It is exactly the card they THOUGHT OF moments before.

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